One Tool. Every Team
With all your people in one place. Get ready for a real change in your workplace wellbeing!
Works Everywhere
For Everyone!
Kaktus’s wellbeing-centred platform focuses right on the core challenges of modern-workplace systems. With our AI-enabled software, your leaders and employees can bridge the trust gap and together build a great, safe and high-performing culture with confidence
Helping you take control of your Mental Wellbeing!
A distinct, disconnected, inferior-quality dataset created at companies with tool-abundance in the workplace. current software's handling employee wellbeing are domain-focused led to scattered data and misleading insights in a semi-remote world. None of the other tools early predict mental wellbeing status in the workplaces, they just provide a generic workplace/employees support processes
What you can do with Kaktus AI
Kaktus AI is customisable, segmental and modular. With all-in-one platform, your people and organisation's wellbeing got sorted!

Integrate with Kaktus AI bot everywhere

What kaktus offers?

1. Analyze team engagement, communication, and collaboration with Kaktus and all integrations.

2. Gain valuable insights into team communication patterns, including top communicators, active hours, and member interactions.

Integration steps

Get Started
Early Detect = Prevent
Measure it first approach! Our superior AI-analytics enable you to map, and monitor all your workplace's behaviour.
Start doing
Transform how your teams work with simple, small targeted actions. Our behavioural science approach - “nudge”- enables you to adopt new behaviors in your organisation at scale.
Boost productivity
Boost performance & productivity with our recognition and reward program, manage, recognise and rewards everyone in one dashboard!
Build a high-performance Organisation
Create your organizations reports with a breeze, and build custom surveys, and schedules. add custom segments to measure what you want. choose from over + 500 scientifically -reviewed questions & 15 modules.
Bridge Culture-Gaps
With such a transparent approach and powerful tool. You can mark your organisation as high-talent. even in the financially-challenging times. You can develop high talents inside your organisation building a high-performance culture!
We care about your Security
You and your employees are in full control of your data at all times.
We give your employees full control here. Employees can ensure their identity stays anonymous through their profiles. Employees' first approach, adds a more needed layer of trust in the workplace. All data inputs and insights remain anonymous unless the employee wants to share some of it!
Banking grade security
all data is encrypted end to end and stored in secure servers
We care about your confidentiality
Kaktus has designed our platform and data processing agreement to put you in full control. All your employee's data are anonymised. We added an extra layer of confidentiality to your employees. Your employees can share their voices with confidant knowing that they are in full control of their anonymity through their profiles!
We’re here to ensure your success
From onboarding to reports and ongoing support, our team is here to ensure the mission of making your organisation a great place to work is a success! Our team will support your setup in no time
Don't take our word for it, see our platform in action and try for free!
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